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星期一, 八月 24

Blogging during office hour

Dont ask me why I could 'Blogging' during office hour! Simply because my computer is under some 'maintenance' work by IT Guys from Pos Malaysia! We are having a joint promotion work with Pos Malaysia, so I'm the one who 'handling' this amazing task!!

Should I appreciate this special Taks?? For sure!! I get pay from the boss sure i gotta work for the groupssss.. This is what I always remind myself: Don't stop Learning!!

Working, learning, blaming.... everyone talks a lot bout what they feel unhappy with! of course this including myself! But, at the end.. still gotta back to work!!

Remember mates, no matter how much you complaint, how bad is ur situation in the office! You still gotta back to work! And perform the best! But not the other way round to put aside all your works and just complaint, gossip and blaming...

Stress and anger wil go after all this stuff.. chill out, gossip, blaming.. so, forget bout the bad part and back to your work!

If you really found that no one appreciate what you've done, or people ONLY seeing you 'honeymoon' in the office but they are blind when you work like a dog or you cant stand for what you r doing or something there which make u feel uncomfortable, inconveneince, bad-feeling even when u r at home, when u r enjoying spa, chill out with buddies.. just let it go! no matter how much they pay you.. how good is the benefits, it just ruin your life and make your hormon disorder >.<

There are plenty of great dishes out there await you to taste,, don't waste your time, dont betray your inner self.. let's go for another chapter of life! We, chinese, call this '人生何处无芳草'...




2024年学校假期 公共假期

 2024年的行程Plan起来咯! 终于,马来西亚2024年学校假期和公共假期时间表公布了!大家都等了很久,想着要怎么计划明年的行程。 开学日是2024年的3月11日,比今年早了几天而已。上学日一共48天,当中包括了期中一个礼拜的回历新年。新年过后就上多一个月课就有来临的9 天学...

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